5 things that nobody tells women about sex

Sex means different things to different people. For some, sex is just a physical act, while for others it forms a supreme emotional connection with a person. Furthermore, following existing social notions, men and women perceive sex differently. According to an American study, men report more spontaneous sexual arousal and have more frequent and varied fantasies.

However, knowledge of the body and the physical act of sex is crucial. Many people feel uncomfortable when they talk or ask about this, leading to a lack of knowledge of the same thing. So here are some things no one tells women about sex.

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Sexually, things will likely change over time

Maybe at the age of 20, you would prefer non-stop sex, you are crazy about sex, and you are looking for partners to satisfy your crazy desire for sex, in which you want to dominate. However, as you get older, you suddenly become more fascinated by the need to be dominated during a sex party. This is absolutely normal. For this reason, it's ideal if you have multiple sexual partners throughout your life so that you don't just try various things.

Having sex with a person doesn't necessarily mean you're closer to them

Don't get the impression that sex is the ultimate act of love and that having sex means that the couple is emotionally close. This doesn't necessarily happen. Additionally, you may feel distant from someone you've just had sex with and very close to another person you've never had sexual contact with.

The person you have sex with for the first time doesn't always have to be important

When you are a teenager, you get the impression that the first person you have sex with will remain forever in your heart and leave an indelible mark on your life. A totally false thing. Your first sexual experience may be in high school or college, and you may not even remember her name. You don't have to feel guilty about it, it's absolutely normal.

If the guy you see doesn't have the same sexual appetite as you, that doesn't make you weird any more

Yes, this must be said and said aloud. Sexual impulse differ from person to person. There is nothing wrong with a woman having a higher sex drive than her partner. It just means that his partner may not be able to fully satisfy his needs.

At 20, everyone is bragging about how much sex they have

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People in their 20s have a high tendency to brag to their friends about how much sex they have per day or week. This could lead a person to take a wrong or uninformed step due to pressure from colleagues or friends. However, most of the time, friends lie. Some people brag just to feel good, but things are not at all how you feel.

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