Do you know what the escorts think of their clients?
First of all, being an escort is not an easy job, they say. Beyond the negative label they receive, they have to overcome many obstacles and accept many challenges that almost all customers face.
Escorts are often asked if they can have an orgasm, as they can have multiple clients in one day. But it all depends on her and her personal circumstances. Many women suppress (or ignore) their sexual desires which are why orgasm can be non-existent in their lives. The pleasure of women has been rejected over time because it is irrelevant.
Of course, things have changed, as awareness of sexual desire has been revived in society. However, healthy female sexuality is still quite unusual. Yes, it seems women are now more open when it comes to sex. But in reality, most women have simply become more sexually objectified.
So it all depends on the woman. Some escorts say that the more sex they have, the more aroused and eager for a new provocative encounter, increasing their sexual appetite.
What do the escorts think of their clients?
In principle, for escorts, the age, origin, or career of the client does not matter, as long as they pay for the services provided. Age doesn't define how a customer acts, so these things are irrelevant. There may be some Italian escorts who prefer older clients or other younger and more virile clients. Some older men tend to be more patient and relaxed, while younger men are more eager. However, all kinds of characteristics can be found in clients regardless of age, class, or ethnicity.
If you look good can you get a discount from the escort?
The answer is: of course not! An attractive customer does not guarantee that they would be a good partner for sex, a good person. The qualities he values in clients are generosity, well-being, respect, hygiene, intellect, and disinterest in sex - these things cannot be compensated for by superficial aesthetics alone.
Also, escorts advise all women to avoid those men as partners who brag about how gifted they are and who overly brag about their abilities. Most of them are very weak in bed and the only way to stand out is to self-praise. These men with huge egos often compensate for the great insecurity. Usually, every man who wants to look perfect hides a dirty motive behind it.
Do escorts like well-endowed men?
Surprisingly, some escorts complain that some clients have too big a penis or last too long in a sex game. There may be situations where the Italian escort may refuse to have sex with a client if his tool is too big, not to cause him pain, but super-gifted men are extremely rare, most of them have medium-sized penises.
Can an escort live a normal life?
Sure, he might claim that his life is normal for strangers, but inside he will hide a lot of emotions.