Is it easier than you think, conquer a woman?

How do you become attractive in the eyes of a woman? What are the techniques we can use to easily conquer? But above all ... what is seduction?

Seduction is an art, an art that must be practiced continuously and that is not precluded to those who are born with little charm: in fact, even those who are convinced of being a total slap in the approach with others can learn the strategies to make yourself more desirable. And whoever says they have never had the curiosity to look for a pair ... lies (just like when one insists on saying that they have never looked for beautiful escortPiacenza on the internet).

Winning a woman in a few moves isn't easy, but it's not impossible either.

In this section we will give some useful advice to manage the approach with the woman of your dreams.

Winning over a woman

The various seductive phases

Winning a woman is not as instantaneous as it is thought. It does not happen with the same ease with which a chemical reaction is triggered, but instead expands into several phases, necessary to determine the birth of a relationship.

Among these phases we find first of all the selection of a partner who stimulates us, the creation of a mental contact, then physical, an attempt to attract the other person to finally move on to the attempt to be selected accordingly.

From here begins a 'dance', in which each subject interacts cautiously with the aim of creating intimacy. The ability to conquer, therefore, lies in understanding the gestures of the potential partner and responding adequately to stimuli with as many effective signals.

Women in particular are attracted to physical appearance but with a lower value than mental stresses. At the top of the list of women's priorities related to seduction, characteristics such as charm and man's confidence stand out.

Although the role of women has changed over time, from a biological point of view they continue to be attracted to dominance: who would not like to have a man who knows his stuff and inspires protection by his side?

But how do you convey the message to a woman that you have these characteristics when you are a little shy? Shyness does not always equate to insecurity in everyday life, but certainly, during flirting you risk transmitting to the other the feeling of not being up to it.

The answer to the question is: seductive communication is a mix of signals capable of involving the partner in an emotional and rational chaos at the same time. It is precisely this, made up of several types of communication, which should be studied in depth to guarantee a conquest range of 90%.

Pleasing the feminine sixth sense

Words are not enough to conquer a woman, also because they constitute a mere 7% of general communication, which can be true or not. The latter extends to paraverbal communication, therefore to the tone of voice, as well as to body language, attitude or clothing.

Women are very attentive to details, and the problem is that they know how to insinuate themselves well into their unconscious and know how to remain well impressed. Women also have the most trained eye in reading the language of movements. It is precisely for this reason that you have to be very careful about what you do in their company and how you behave. They are really influenced by what the man does NOT say.

Verbal communication, of course, still has some importance. Having the right attitude and then opening your mouth and shooting a myriad of bullshit ... is completely useless.

If during a dinner you started to tell her a little about yourself and you say you are a calm person, but then you get excited at the slightest hitch, you have marked your 'sentence'. Because although the woman may give the impression that she is smiling, in truth she thinks she has only been listening to lies all evening. The female sixth sense is the most complicated test to pass during an approach and therefore it is better to pass it with the highest marks. But how?

  1. The posture

Posture is something that not everyone takes care of. Not seeing from the outside and not realizing how we are presenting ourselves, we tend not to notice it. In reality it tells a lot about us and it would be useful to train yourself to focus on your posture at every moment of the day, keeping your back straight, chest out and head up as much as possible.

2.Physical contact

Even if we are strongly attracted to the woman we are talking to and the intimate desire to spend a fiery night arises spontaneously, we must be careful not to be intrusive. Man's elegance lies in knowing how to control himself. Don't give the impression that you are in need of physical contact. Through this, however, one must know how to establish a sweet intimacy. Maybe start by flowering her arm, as if you were asking for permission to tell her how attracted you are to her. The feeling of being 'accepted' by your woman is one of the most powerful and rewarding there is. So you are really sure that you have conquered a woman, because it is she who indulges herself, and not you who have to look for her.

  1. Visual contact

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Through these it is possible to transmit a way of infinite emotions and reach parts of the unconscious of the potential partner that would be unreachable through words. Also, eye contact is the first indication of availability. As soon as the exchange of glances begins, you can define yourself in the game. The look makes us understand even before approaching the other if the person in front of us is available towards us, and allows us to plan different seduction techniques according to his reaction.

Pleasing the feminine sixth sense
  1. Company stamp

The ideal male is recognized by his voice.

It is well known that women prefer a deep tone of voice in a man: it intrigues and intrigues them. According to research from the McMaster University of Canada, the male voice stamp can give indications on his conduct. The researchers, in fact, found that the woman has developed such a sensitivity in listening to the male voice that she immediately associates it with protective mechanisms, to identify or discard a possible partner.

Women are inevitably attracted to the baritone. Modulating the voice, therefore, proves to be a winning weapon. As soon as this stabilizes and is about to get warmer during a conversation, the fateful complicity one was looking for is created. Not surprisingly, the technique used by the great seducers is that of voice control, the very first skill to be developed when studying theater. From the dawn of time, the voices of primitive men fighting for food had to overwhelm those of the enemy. And even at the time, the low and gloomy timbres were linked to an unconscious sense in the woman of greater ease of procreation.

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