Are modern men less virile?

`` Men are no longer what they used to be '' is a phrase that is often heard around, (also in reference to women), accompanied by a distraught tone and a clear intolerance towards today's males, that is those who have always been seen as all in one piece, not only alpha but also responsible and who knew how to face problems with their heads held high, even face an appointment with a luxury escort Bologna. But will it be true that men have undergone changes as they pass from one generation to the next? And assuming that the answer to the previous question was 'yes' would it represent a good or a bad thing?

In this article, we will clarify just that.

Men are no longer what they used to be

The millennials, generation Z, X, Y

In journalistic parlance,  Generation Z  includes all those born between 1996 and 2010; Generation X is that of those born between 1960 and 1980 while millennials belong to the so-called generation Y, that is, all those born after 1981.

A new male emerges from recent research on male identity, considered even better than the previous idea of ​​the alpha that he never had to ask.

Difference between man and woman

The fact is that even women no longer identify with the female stereotype of the housewife of 50 years ago and since the male metamorphosis is closely linked to that of the other sex, men and women no longer belong to separate worlds on a social level, but both are found within a single vast single system of mutually influencing elements.

What do scholars think?

Not surprisingly, many young people do not like being in the kitchen, they do not know how to sew, tidy up, iron but they feel much freer to pursue their personal goals. And just like them, men have left out many of what our grandparents once considered values.

If we were to rely on science (which is good and right) we would have to take into consideration a scientific investigation conducted by Gfk with the support of an Italian research laboratory that helped develop the Ticket To Love campaign, from which the profile of the ' 'new' male, with very different traits from the macho of the older generations.

The results

Out of a sample of 1000 respondents, a small part claimed to have noticed a certain decline in the dominant male, while the majority confirmed that modern man comes with innovative and useful functions. To be more detailed, the survey referred to above was conducted on men between the ages of 35 and 70 and it emerged that: for 88% of men, sex remains a very important component (fortunately ); 83% want an enterprising woman by their side, but not because the man is scared to take the first step but because this new gender recognizes the value of female freedom, without feeling bothered by the success of a partner.

The female point of view

At the time, work and female independence were associated with acts of outrageous transgression not socially accepted. Nowadays, however, this "parity" is viewed favorably and indeed is considered as merit, a plus point. Fortunately, the idea of ​​a submissive, obedient and servile woman no longer exists; 62% gave absolute priority to bed in order to satisfy the woman. So female pleasure ranks first on the list of goals related to manhood.

In the past

Years ago men perhaps did not really ask themselves the problem of "making the wife enjoy", so that of the modern man could be considered a gesture of growth in terms of sensitivity.

L’uomo moderno non appare più orientato solo alla carriera e alla gratificazione pubblica del sé, come i nostri nonni che aspiravano ad entrare in politica a tutti i costi o che consideravano un onore aver fatto il militare me l’uomo moderno si trasforma in un individuo intimista, più sensibile e deideroso di nutrire la sua sfera privata e si concentra ad appagare i suoi bisogni e quelli della partner, sfruttando la sua libertà e la sua apertura mentale.

Durante i giorni nostri

Anche se è comune beccare quelli che esteticamente possono non essere considerati poco virili ( tipo chi porta le sopracciglia ad ali di gabbiano), non significa che gli stessi non possano essere padri presenti, premurosi, partecipi a livello familiare e ottimi compagni.

Men today are free to express their emotions and weaknesses without being judged. From an early age, children are taught how not to suppress feelings.

Having said that, let's never forget the presence of the timeless Peter Pan who hates starting a family and starting permanent relationships.

Differences in aesthetics

Differences in aesthetics

From a purely aesthetic point of view, the figure of modern man is often associated with the word '' metrosexual '' or even abbreviated to '' metrosex ''.

Who is the metrosex? Its definition does not refer to sexual orientation (so we exclude other terms such as homosexual, bisexual, queer, and so on) but refers to the changing aesthetic tastes and habits of modern men. At the base, we find elements such as obsessive care of the body and clothing, such as designer clothes, often tight-fitting.

Let's say a modern version of an English dandy.

Hormones and male physiology

The University of Padua affirmed that even from a physiological point of view today's man has undergone changes. Among the positive ones we can name the fact that they are taller, generally more massive and with longer limbs, while as regards the negative ones, in the last twenty years the sterility of Western males has increased dramatically and the spermatozoa that are produced in our days are about 30 percent shorter than previous generations and, unfortunately, penis size is also assumed to have shrunk.

In conclusion

It is up to women to decide how to deal with the topic: is it better to regret a man who no longer exists and who was decidedly more misogynistic or would it be better to accept evolution and change, learning to understand it?

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