What leads a person to immediately look for another relationship?

If a person is in a relationship that they no longer want to be in, they can choose to discuss their feelings with their partner. Especially men, they tend to look for extramarital affairs or adventures as a newly single with Varese escorts. But why does this happen?

And how come women are overwhelmed by the feeling of love/hate towards new love relationships?

satisfaction and pleasure
  1. Loneliness is deafening

It seems arrogant and means to someone who is suffering from heartbreak or who suddenly sleeps alone in their bed for the first time in months. It also clearly contradicts another widely held belief that the only way to forget someone is to become infatuated with someone else. There are real reasons why taking time away from two relationships is helpful and positive, especially if your previous relationship ended horribly. If after that you start another relationship quickly, within a couple of weeks or even a couple of months, that trauma has been connected to your brain circuitry and you will see the new relationship through a similar lens and it is hard to trust.

  1. Hormones of happiness

To be clear, longing for another relationship, while you are devastated, is entirely acceptable. A lot is really out of your control and has to do with the biology and chemistry of the brain. Your brain isn't used to being alone when you break up with someone. When you are with someone, your brain produces feel-good hormones like dopamine. It makes us feel great: it is one of the chemicals released when we have sex, use drugs, or play games. It suddenly disappeared.

  1. The past that comforts (but also terrifies)

However, we are all likely to date our former partners again because we know there is comfort in that. We know, primitively, that we will experience a dopamine high when we get back together with that person. Your brain has already linked "feeling great" to a former past. In the rush to feel good, it's easier to try to be with someone you've dated than to build a bond with a complete stranger. This is why the thought of using Tinder or going on a new date may seem repulsive, yet putting your head on an ex's shoulder seems like the most relaxing experience conceivable, even if that ex was a dumpster and you know that parting is. was the best decision.

  1. Fear of strong emotions

People often switch between relationships when a feeling fades because they believe that if they no longer feel so passionate and lustful for someone, it means they're not in love. However, this is not always the case. The attachment phase is the second phase of love: true love. People who move from one relationship to another may never reach the attachment stage. Most people's addiction to love is basically the desire to meet and fall in love with someone fresh. It is similar to a high.

  1. End up in a toxic cycle

Many women tend to get involved in a particular type of chronic break-up cycle relationship. It's pretty debilitating for them, spending years alone in relationships. They are lost and have no idea what it means to be happy or find happiness outside of a relationship. What happened is that their brains have built an obvious link between happiness and dating, and it's highly conceivable that you've conditioned yourself into thinking this way without even realizing it.

  1. Learning from mistakes

You have to push yourself to have new and uncomfortable experiences, climb over obstacles in the way of your brain, sift them, get stuck in the thorns, and in the end experience that you can create a new path. Eventually, you get satisfaction and pleasure, and it will get even easier with time. Remember that the new connection can provide a momentary high, or "love drug", to help you recover, but unless you are 100% accessible, you will be trapped in the confrontation game.

  1. Want to change the air

Many newly single men and women have broken up with someone and have started dating someone who appears to be completely different, both physically and mentally from their previous partner.

It's not that this is a terrible thing; this happens because not only psychologically we are partly disgusted by the idea of finding ourselves in the same situation, but because it is believed that making a selection and choosing a different partner, it gives us new and better perspectives.

It's almost like tasting a new flavor of ice cream.

A little tip

When you decide to go out again, be honest and vulnerable about any unresolved or confused feelings from previous relationships. It's okay if the dialogue is sloppy or iffy! A prospective partner should be able to refuse to go out with someone who isn't ready for a date.

You may miss a couple of appointments, but you can preserve your integrity.

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