Why and how to seduce an escort

Why and how to seduce an escort

Seduction is a resource that not everyone has. And we often encounter situations where you want to know how to seduce an escort because you really like it. What you need to know first is that escorts have the same emotions and feelings as normal women, but are often taken to the extreme.

All women want an alpha male who thinks only of them, but the escorts want, in addition to sexual fantasy, to get money from sexual services. To some extent, all women can manipulate men through their sexuality, but manipulating them using sexuality is work. And these are the escorts.

But the question is: if the escorts offer sexual services for money, why wonder how to seduce an escort? Theoretically, the answer would be very simple: pay it.

However, beyond the escort job, she is a woman. And like any woman, if you really want to conquer her, to feel that passion that only a woman in love can have, you must attract her, feel provocation, and sexual attraction.

Why would you want to seduce an escort?

Because with an escort you can do extravagant things in the bedroom, things you can't do with a normal woman: from a super blowjob to anal sex, to the completion of the mouth or anything else that comes to mind. And for sex to be appropriate, there must be chemistry between the partners.

Precisely for these reasons, most men who end up in the bed of an escort are very poor from an emotional point of view. Although they apparently have happy lives, fortunes, a successful career and a beautiful wife with them, they are actually very unhappy sexually. Some deepen their sadness about alcohol and drugs, while the other side seeks their happiness elsewhere. Together with the escorts, with whom I can fall in love with.

We are not here to judge such behavior, but rather to advise you on how to behave and how to conquer an escort you like.

Finally, there are various other methods on how to seduce an escort, depending on what you want to get from it: just one night of sex or the beginning of a more serious relationship, so that it becomes available at any time.

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